This book is the result of fundamental research on the thorny issue of Africa's development. It demonstrates that the development of human societies is first and foremost a resultant of true, perfect and eternal knowledge, a process of conversion of the soul to the True, the Good and the Beautiful, before becoming a quest for material and financial means.
Erik Essousse is currently the Chief Electoral Officer in Cameroon, after a brilliant career in higher administration at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and as a "chargé de mission" in the services of the Prime Minister. He obtained a doctorate in contemporary international relations in 1982 at the Sorbonne in Paris.
Broché - format : 15,5 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-343-19570-4 • 13 février 2020 • 456 pages
EAN13 : 9782343195704 EAN PDF : 9782140143038 EAN ePUB : 9782336893785
* Nos versions numériques sont compatibles avec l'ensemble des liseuses et lecteurs du marché.